
Supporting you through one of life’s most challenging moments.

Additional resources for you, as the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Assistance A comprehensive site to help support you during this difficult time, including a Beneficiary Checklist. Click here to learn more
Claim Filing Website Offering speed, access, and flexibility to submit a claim, provide supporting documents and track status.  Click here to file a claim
Estate Resolution Services A service that can help you when tasked with settling an estate.  As a beneficiary you have access to these services through MetLife Legal Plans.

Simply contact a Client Services representative to get started. 

  • Call MetLife Legal Plans’ toll-free number at 1-800-821-6400         
  • Provide the company name, customer number (if available)and the last 4 digits of the policy holder’s Social Security number
  • The Client Services representative will assign you a case number and help you locate a participating plan attorney near you.


Grief Counseling Here to help provide comfort, encouragement, and hope to beneficiaries with support from licensed professional counselors.1

To speak with a LifeWorks Counselor


Username:  metlifebene
Password:  support

Beneficiary Concierge Claims Providing beneficiaries compassionate step-by-step support throughout the claim process.    

1. Beneficiary Grief Counseling services are provided by a third party, LifeWorks US Inc., under an agreement with MetLife. *Coverage includes up to five face-to-face or telephone sessions per event.