Consider Stable Value as a Component of your Model Portfolios

Consider Stable Value as a Component of your Model Portfolios

Stable Value

Stable value provides higher returns, lower fixed income volatility, and outperforms money markets. MetLife's Collective Investment Trust's (CITs) can strengthen your model portfolio and can help participants reap the benefits of stable value.

Why is Stable Value a Solid Addition to Model Portfolios?

Alesha McAdams, Sales Director, Western Region outlines how Stable Value has become a key component in delivering value while adding stability to today's various asset allocation structures.  

Duration 3:27

Why Should Stable Value be the Fixed Income Component of Your Model?

Michael Seibert, Sales Director, Central Region, shows how Stable Value has historically outperformed other available fixed income options and generally provides higher returns with lower volatility.

Duration 2:00

Stable Value Solutions

See the MetLife products that can help maximize employee returns, build purchasing power and secure employee retirement.

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