State PFML Leaves

State PFML Leaves Programs

There are three types of state laws that relate to leaves of absence. Some states have unpaid leave laws that, like the federal FMLA, grant eligible employees the right to take unpaid, job protected leave for a variety of reasons including family and medical needs and military exigencies. Some states have a second type of law that does not create a right to job protected leave, But does create a state funded wage replacement program that gives employees an income stream while they take a family or medical leave. And, a small number of states have laws that incorporate both of these elements— these laws not only give eligible employees the right to job protected leave, but they also give employees access to wage replacement benefits during that leave.

Employees who reside in any other states not administered by MetLife should file directly with their state. MetLife is committed to providing the most up to date information about these new State Paid Family, Medical, and Disability Leaves to help employers stay compliant with state laws and to help workers obtain the information they need at the most important times in their lives.

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