Testimony: 2012 ERISA Advisory Council Hearing - Examining Income Replacement During Retirement in a Defined Contribution Plan System

MetLife Retirement & Income Solutions

Testimony: 2012 ERISA Advisory Council Hearing - Examining Income Replacement During Retirement in a Defined Contribution Plan System

Aug 30, 2012

MetLife Written Testimony to the Department of Labor's Advisory Council of Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans

“Examining Income Replacement During Retirement in a Defined Contribution Plan System”

Good morning Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chair and members of the Working Group. My name is Cynthia Mallett. I am Vice President for Industry Strategies & Public Policy in the Corporate Benefit Funding division at MetLife and am here today to testify on behalf of my company. We commend you for holding this hearing today and thank you for inviting MetLife to testify. We believe today’s hearing, and the work of the Council generally, is critical to ensuring that defined contribution (DC) plan participants will be able to generate adequate retirement income that lasts throughout their lifetimes.

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