Fee-for-service plans, also known as indemnity plans, allow you to visit the dentist of your choice. The dentist does not have to participate in a network.
When you receive treatment or care from a dentist, you will only pay a set percentage of the fee. The rest of the fee is paid to the dentist by the insurance plan.
What you pay
The percentage you pay will vary depending on the type of treatment you are having, preventive or restorative:
- Preventive treatment, such as a cleaning, may be covered at 80%.This means you pay 20% of the fee.
- Restorative treatment, such as getting a crown or a bridge, may be covered at 50%.This mean you pay 50% of the fee.
Fee-for-service plans usually require you to pay your part of the fee first (the “deductible”) before they pay the rest.
Sometimes, for preventive treatment, you won’t have to pay the deductible.