For Kids: Am I At Risk for Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is a problem for many children. Tooth decay is caused when bacteria (germs) in your mouth combine with sugar that you eat or drink to make acids that dissolve the outer layers of your teeth. If too much dissolves, your tooth breaks down, and you end up with a "cavity" or hole in your tooth.

For most kids, teeth can be protected from decay by daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste, limiting snacks and drinks with lots of sugar, and having regular dental check-ups.

Knowing what causes tooth decay will help you prevent cavities.

These questions will help you learn about things that may place you at risk for getting tooth decay. Please answer all the questions and be honest — remember, you can't fool the Tooth Fairy!

Questions 1 through 7: Things that can increase tooth decay. A "Yes" to these questions means that you may need to take action to lower your tooth decay risk.

Questions 8 through 13: Things that can help reduce tooth decay or help protect your teeth. A "No" to these questions means that you may need to take action to lower your decay risk.

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