Pay and claim
We offer complete flexibility in finding a doctor you love. If there is not a direct pay provider available in your location (or you already have a doctor who is not part of our direct pay network), you can request a Guarantee of Payment to avoid paying out-of-pocket. A Guarantee of Payment (GOP) is a one-time payment to any willing, licensed provider worldwide. MetLife will provide the GOP to you and your provider directly.
Request a GOP prior to your doctor’s appointment and present it to front desk staff when you arrive – they should bill MetLife instead of you for your visit. (Please note, not all providers may be willing to accept a GOP and you may have to pay out-of-pocket for your service and submit a claim for reimbursement if the GOP is not accepted.)
It’s best to do this 3–5 days prior to your doctor appointment. Some providers will offer to do this for you when you make your appointment.
For routine cases, GOPs are issued within 72 hours.
Learn more about GOPs and get a list of step-by-step instructions for requesting one.
Watch our webinar to learn more about GOPs.
Each provider has their own procedures. Providers who have a direct pay arrangement with MetLife may request a GOP on your behalf. However, some providers may ask you to contact MetLife to request a GOP for your services. Check with your doctor when you make your appointment to see if they will help request a GOP on your behalf.
To receive full advantage of direct pay, it is important that a GOP is requested prior to the service date. Please try to request three to five days ahead of time. A good tip is to request your GOP from us at the same time you make your appointment.
If you request a GOP, it is recommended that you bring your GOP along with your ID card with you on the day of service.