Corporate Conduct

MetLife and its family of companies are committed to providing the highest quality products and services through the integrity and ethical practices of its employees and business partners.

Any employee, customer, shareholder or other interested party aware of or with reason to believe a violation of practices exists involving the Company's financial accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, or suspects the existence of fraud or unethical behavior, should notify MetLife. The Company provides general procedures to communicate with its Compliance Risk Management Department. There are, in addition, procedures established by MetLife’s Audit Committee, Non-Management Directors and Board of Directors under which certain communications may be directed to them.

Any employee, customer, shareholder or other interested party may communicate known or suspected concerns regarding accounting, internal controls or audit matters, or fraud and unethical behaviors to MetLife by contacting the MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine by telephone at 1-888-320-1671 or online reporting at

MetLife will treat all information submitted pursuant this communication procedure, whether submitted in writing or by calling the MetLife Ethics and Fraud Helpline, as confidential and will use such information to conduct and resolve any appropriate investigation. (Note that this confidentiality provision does not apply with respect to information submitted to the Audit Committee, the Non-Management Directors or the Board of Directors pursuant to the procedures specified below, except to the extent set forth therein). MetLife will accept communications delivered anonymously and, if you identify yourself in your communication but request that your name not be disclosed, MetLife will honor your request to the extent permitted by applicable law.

The MetLife Audit Committee has established procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. Any interested party may address such concerns to the Audit Committee by writing to:

MetLife, Inc. Audit Committee
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Attention: Corporate Secretary

Interested parties may also transmit a communication under these procedures to the Audit Committee by contacting the MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine by telephone at 1-888-320-1671 or online reporting at  Persons submitting complaints or concerns by telephone or online reporting under this procedure regarding the matters identified must specify that the communication is for the attention of the Audit Committee.  Anonymous communications that do not identify the sender will be accepted.

Employees may use the procedure described above to communicate concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters to the Audit Committee. Employee communications to the Audit Committee submitted under these procedures relating to the matters described, whether in writing, or by contacting the MetLife Ethics & Fraud Helpline by telephone or online reporting, will be treated confidentially and will be used to conduct and resolve any appropriate investigation. If an employee submitting a communication elects to identify himself or herself in the communication but requests that his or her name not be disclosed, the Corporate Secretary, others transmitting such information to the Audit Committee, and the Audit Committee will not reveal the name of the employee to others except as otherwise required by law.

Interested parties may communicate with Non-Management Directors of MetLife by writing to:

MetLife, Inc. Non-Management Directors
200 Park Avenue 
New York, NY 10166
Attention: Corporate Secretary

Any correspondence should specify when a communication is for the attention of the Non-Management Directors.

Communications from security holders to individual Directors or to the Board of Directors may be submitted by writing to the following address:

MetLife, Inc. Board of Directors
200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166
Attention: Corporate Secretary

The communication should state that it is from a MetLife security holder. The Corporate Secretary of MetLife may require reasonable evidence that the communication or other submission is, in fact, from a MetLife security holder before transmitting it to the individual Director or the Board of Directors.

Codes of Conduct

Documents (PDF-27 MB)
Codes of Conduct

Documents (PDF-57 KB)

Code of Business Ethics

MetLife’s Code of Business Ethics (“Code”), values, and policies, give employees the information they need to perform their jobs ethically and in line with MetLife’s standards, laws, and regulations. The Code’s purpose is to empower employees to make decisions that uphold our principles and protect our people and our reputation.