The MetLife Mature Market Institute and the National Alliance for Caregiving, in cooperation with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4A), have released a publication aimed at making life a little easier for the legions of Americans caring for a sick or disabled friend or relative.

The 38-page booklet, Resources for Caregivers 2007, is available free to the public by calling 203-221-6580, via e-mail to, or by download at under ‘What’s New.’

"This resource guide lists tips and centers of information for caregivers who are now represented in one in four households throughout the United States," said Sandra Timmermann, Ed.D., director, MetLife Mature Market Institute. "We’ve included many books, Internet sites and organizations that provide support and assistance to lessen the burden and save time, when possible. The guide serves as a starting point and can be an essential tool for someone who is new to the caregiving role. Many listings will help to coordinate caregiving with responsibilities at home and at work."

Resources for Caregivers 2007, updated from 2004, provides resources that will help answer questions and offer assistance on how to make a care plan for the immediate future and on how to conduct long range planning. Along with general listings, it also contains information specific to those caring for someone with AIDS, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cerebral palsy, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

The booklet offers mailing addresses, phone numbers, Internet addresses, and prices, for items like books, tapes and DVDs. Some of the websites featured provide searchable directories of eldercare facilities and home care by city and state, along with resources in local areas.

Of particular interest may be the Eldercare Locator, which can help people find services in their communities, and FirstGov for Seniors, which offers a wide range of information and government services.

According to Gail Hunt, president and CEO of the National Alliance for Caregiving, "currently, there are more than 44.4 million family caregivers of people 18 and older in the United States. The value of family caregiving to society is estimated at $306 billion per year—more than the value of home care and nursing home care combined." She states, "Close to two in three caregivers in the U.S. are employed, either full or part-time. Approximately 40% of those caring for a family member also have children under the age of 18 and men now represent 40% of all caregivers."

The MetLife Mature Market Institute is MetLife’s information and policy resource center on issues related to aging, retirement, long-term care and the mature market. Staffed by gerontologists, the Institute provides research, training and education, consultation and information to support MetLife, its corporate customers and business partners. MetLife is a subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), a leading provider of insurance and financial services with operations throughout the U.S. and the Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

Established in 1996, the National Alliance for Caregiving is a nonprofit coalition of national organizations that focuses on issues of family caregiving across the life span. The Alliance was created to conduct research, do policy analysis, develop national programs and increase public awareness of family caregiving issues. Recognizing that family caregivers make important societal and financial contributions toward maintaining the well being of those for whom they care, the Alliance’s mission is to be the objective national resource on family caregiving with the goal of improving the quality of life for families and care recipients.

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4A) is the umbrella organization for our nation’s 655 area agencies on aging (AAAs), and the representative body in Washington, D.C., for the interests of 240 title VI – Native American aging programs. Through its presence in Washington, n4A advocates on behalf of the local agencies to ensure that needed resources and support services are available to older Americans and their caregivers.

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Christine Bonney
DJC Communications
Debra Caruso