More Resources for Individuals and Professionals on Aging, Retirement, Caregiving and the Baby Boomers

The MetLife Mature Market Institute’s® (MMI) newly designed Website,, is now available with additional resources for those interested in aging, caregiving, the changing workforce, retirement and demographics.

“With this enhanced site our aim is to continue to provide meaningful research and insights for constituents interested in aging and retirement,” said Sandra Timmermann, Ed.D., director of the MMI.  “This new site will also serve as a source of valuable information for individuals who may be planning for retirement or find themselves in the role of caregiver.”

The site, which can also be accessed through the MetLife Web site, under the “Retirement” section – contains information divided by category to facilitate quick and easy research.  The areas are:

  • Lifestyles and Life Stages– People are living longer, healthier lives, and as a consequence are redefining life stages and their lifestyles.   The MMI tracks these changes and provides insight into areas such as changing family structures, living arrangements, and seeking meaning and fulfillment in the second half of life.
  • The Changing Workforce–The demographic shifts in the workforce have ramifications for both employers and employees.   The MMI conducts research on multigenerational workforce issues and provides helpful insights.
  • Emerging Topics–The MMI offers analysis of cutting-edge trends and responses to emerging areas of focus, such as longevity and the aging population.
  • Caregiving and Long-Term Care–Age is the most significant risk factor for needing long-term care.  The effects are felt by individuals, families and many others.   The MMI provides thoughtful analysis into this area, and tools to assist both those who need care and those who provide it.
  • Retirement Finances– Financial considerations about retirement, including attitudes toward retirement among pre-retirees and retirees, the impact of longevity and inflation on retirement income and the changing employee benefit environment are highlighted.
  • Our Diverse Society– Research and other resources related to the family, workplace and retirement issues experienced by various segments of our increasingly diverse population are addressed.

In addition to links on various research topics, the MetLife Mature Market Institute Web site has links to the MMI’s many studies published over the past 10 years, its Since You CareâGuideson more than 15 caregiving topics, an archive of the MMI’s monthly QuickFACTS newsletter and links to outside resources.  The “In Focus” segment on the Web site will change on a regular basis to highlight an area of aging study.  Additionally, there will be links to “visiting faculty,” and outside contributors – many of whom are prominent in the aging field – who have assisted with MMI research. 

The MetLife Mature Market Institute has been conducting research and publishing consumer education resources for midlife and older adults since it was founded in 1997.  The MMI is well known among researchers and policymakers and is often cited in the media.  Partners in research over the past decade include: the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), the Women’s Institute for Secure Retirement (WISER), the American Society on Aging (ASA) and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), among others.

In addition to Dr. Timmermann, the MMI staff includes the following experts in the aging field who are frequent speakers at seminars and meetings:  Barbara Howard, M.B.A., Director of Gerontology; John N. Migliaccio, Ph.D., Director of Research; Kathy O’Brien, R.N., M.S., Senior Gerontologist; and Fay Radding, M.A., R.N., Senior Gerontologist.

About the MetLife Mature Market Institute

Staffed by gerontologists, the MetLife Mature Market Institute, part of the company’s Retirement Strategies Group, has been providing research, knowledge management, education, and policy support for over ten years to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, its corporate customers, and business partners.  MetLife, a subsidiary of MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), is celebrating 140 years and is a leading provider of insurance and financial services to individual and institutional customers.

For more information about the MetLife Mature Market Institute, please visit  You can also go to, click on “Retirement” and then “MetLife Mature Market Institute.”


Christine Bonney
DJC Communications
Debra Caruso